Omada Pro License Configuration Guide (for Local Controller)

Configuration Guide

TP-Link Omada Pro controller provides centralized management of gateways, switches, and access points from the Software Defined Networking (SDN) platform.

Licenses are required to manage devices centrally with the Omada Pro controller. This guide will introduce how to obtain and assign licenses to your devices.

1. Assign and Manage Licenses for Local Controller

For management and configurations on the Omada Pro Local Controller, each device should be bound with an activated license. Before binding licenses to devices, you need to purchase licenses and assign them to your controller.

1.1 Purchase Licenses

Contact the sales staff to purchase licenses for Omada Pro Local Controller. You will get a license activation code. Then you can use the activation code to add licenses to your controller in online or offline mode according to actual site requirements.

1.2 Add Licenses Online

1. Launch your controller.

2. Go to the License page. Click Add Licenses Online at the upper right corner.

3. Enter the license activation code you obtained from the sales staff, and click Obtain Licenses. Specify the quantity of licenses to add.

Screenshot of a Omada Pro Conroller's "Add Licenses Online" dialog box. Step 1 shows an activation code field with a sample code and license counts for PRO AP, PRO L2 SWITCH, and PRO GATEWAY (all set to 2). Step 2 has fields to specify license quantities. Buttons for "Confirm" and "Cancel" are at the bottom.

4. Click Confirm. The licenses will be assigned to the controller.

Note: If you encoutner an "Operation failed" error message similar to the one shown in the image below, it could be due to the absence of WMIC ( Windows Management Instrtuction Command-line). WMIC is a tool that interacts with the Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) framwork and supports system operations related to license importing. To install it, please refer to the following links: How to install WMIC Feature on Demand on Windows 11.

1.3 Add Licenses Offline

1. Launch your controller.

2. Go to the License page. Click Add Licenses Offline at the upper right corner.

3. Copy the request code of the current controller. Then click Omada Cloud on the page to redirect to the Omada Cloud (

Screenshot of an Omada Pro Controller "Add Licenses Offline" dialog box. Step 1 shows a request code with a "Copy" button. Step 2 instructs to generate a license file via Omada Cloud. Step 3 has a field to import the license file with a "Browse" button. "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

4. On the Omada Cloud page, log in with your TP-Link ID.

Note: If you don’t have a TP-Link ID, sign up for one and activate it.

Screenshot of the Omada Cloud login page on a TP-Link website. A login dialog box prompts for a TP-Link ID and password, with "Remember Me" and "Forgot Password?" options. The background shows a room with bookshelves, a person, and Omada devices (a ceiling-mounted access point and a wall-mounted unit).

5. Go to License > Omada Pro Local Controller. Click Generate License File at the upper right corner.

Screenshot of the Omada Pro Cloud-Based Controller license management page on the TP-Link website. The interface shows tabs for different controllers, with the "Omada Pro Local Controller" tab selected. A table with columns for Activation Code, Request Code, Number of Licenses, Export Time, and Action is empty. Buttons for "Generate License File" and "Migrate Local Licenses" are on the right.

6. Enter the request code of the controller you copied, enter the license activation code you obtained from the sales staff, and click Verify. Specify the quantity of licenses to add.

Screenshot of a "Generate License File" dialog box for offline import. Step 1 shows a request code field with a sample code and a link to obtain the controller request code. Step 2 displays an activation code field with a sample code and license counts for PRO AP, PRO L2 SWITCH, and PRO GATEWAY (all set to 2). Step 3 has fields to specify license quantities. "Generate" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

7. Click Generate. The license file in .lic format will be generated and save to local.

8. Go back to the Add Licenses Offline page of your controller. Import the license file to the current controller.

Screenshot of an "Add Licenses Offline" dialog box for an Omada Pro Controller. Step 1 shows a request code with a "Copy" button. Step 2 instructs to generate a license file via Omada Cloud. Step 3 displays a license file import field with a "Browse" button and license counts for PRO AP (10), PRO L2 SWITCH (1), and PRO GATEWAY (1). "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

9. Click Confirm. The licenses will be assigned to the controller.

1. 4 Migrate Local Licenses

If you want to migrate local licenses from an old controller to a new controller, follow the steps below:

1. Export local licenses from the old controller.

a. Launch your old controller.

b. Go to the License page. Click Export All at the upper right corner. The license file in .lic format will be generated and save to local.

Note: After exporting, the controller will enter the keep-alive period, and all devices will be unactivated after 3 days. Please bind a new license or migrate the devices to other controllers within 3 days. Trial licenses will not be exported.

Screenshot of the Omada Pro Controller (A3E081) licenses page. The "Omada Pro Local Controller Licenses" section displays counts: 12 total, 10 Pro APs, 1 Pro L2 Switch, 1 Pro L3 Switch, and 1 Pro Gateway. Buttons for "Export All," "Add Licenses Offline," and "Add Licenses Online" are on the right.

2. Get the request code of your new controller.

a. Launch your new controller.

b. Go to the License page. Click Add Licenses Offline at the upper right corner.

c. In the pop-up window, copy the controller's request code.

Screenshot of an "Add Licenses Offline" dialog box for an Omada Pro Controller. Step 1 shows a request code with a "Copy" button. Step 2 instructs to generate a license file via Omada Cloud. Step 3 has a license file import field with a "Browse" button. "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

3. Migrate local licenses on the Omada Cloud.

a. Click Omada Cloud on the Add Licenses Offline page to redirect to the Omada Cloud (https:// Log in with your TP-Link ID.

Note: If you don’t have a TP-Link ID, sign up for one and activate it.

b. Go to License > Omada Pro Local Controller. Click Migrate Local Licenses at the upper right corner.

Screenshot of the Omada Pro Cloud-Based Controller license management page on the TP-Link website. The "Omada Pro Local Controller" tab is selected, showing an empty table with columns for Activation Code, Request Code, Number of Licenses, Export Time, and Action. Buttons for "Generate License File" and "Migrate Local Licenses" are on the right.

c. Enter the controller’s request code you copied, and import the license file you exported.

Screenshot of a "Migrate Local Licenses" dialog box. Step 1 has a field to enter the controller's request code with a link to obtain it. Step 2 includes a license file import field with a "Browse" button. "Generate" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

d. Click Generate. The license file in .lic format will be generated for the new controller and save to local.

4. Add licenses to the new controller.

a. Go back to the Add Licenses Offline page of your new controller. Import the license file to the current controller.

Screenshot of an "Add Licenses Offline" dialog box for an Omada Pro Controller. Step 1 shows a request code with a "Copy" button. Step 2 instructs to generate a license file via Omada Cloud. Step 3 displays a license file import field with a "Browse" button and license counts for PRO AP (10), PRO L2 SWITCH (1), and PRO GATEWAY (1). "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

b. Click Confirm. The licenses will be added to the new controller.

2. Assign and Manage Licenses for MSP Customers

If you have enabled MSP (Managed Service Provider) mode, follow the steps below to assign license to your customers:

2.1 Assign Licenses to Customers

1. Launch your controller.

2. In MSP View, go to License > License Assignment. Click Assign Licenses at the upper right corner.

3. Check your remaining licenses, select the customer, and specify the quantity of licenses to assign.

A screenshot of a license assignment interface. The "Remaining Licenses" section shows 0 permanent and 1 trial license for PRO AP, PRO L2 SWITCH, and PRO GATEWAY. Below, there are two steps: 1) Select a customer from a dropdown menu labeled "PLEASE SELECT..."; 2) Specify the quantity of licenses to assign for PRO AP, PRO L2 SWITCH, and PRO GATEWAY, with input fields for permanent and trial licenses. At the bottom, there are "CONFIRM" and "CANCEL" buttons.

4. Click Confirm. The licenses will be assigned to the customer.

2.2 Revoke Licenses from Customers

After license assignment, you can revoke licenses if the customer no longer needs them.

1. Launch your controller.

2. In MSP View, go to License > License Assignment. Click Revoke Licenses at the upper right corner.

3. Select the customer and specify the quantity of licenses to revoke.

4. Click Confirm. The licenses will be revoked and can be assign to another customer if needed.

3. Assign and Manage Licenses for Devices


  • One license can be bound with only one device at a time.
  • If a device with license bound is removed from the controller, the license will be unbound automatically and can be bound to another device if needed.

3.1 Automatic Binding/Unbinding

For the Controller in Global View

1. Launch your controller.

2. Go to the License page. Enable Auto-Active and enable Auto-Renewal for sites.

A screenshot of a settings interface for license management. The "Auto-Active" and "Auto-Renewal" options are enabled with toggle switches. Below, a table lists sites (TEST_1, TEST_2, TEST_3, intello) with their respective "Auto-Renewal" toggle switches, all enabled. At the bottom, pagination controls show "Showing 1-4 of 4 records," with options to navigate pages and select 5 records per page.

A screenshot of a license management settings interface. The "Auto-Active" section explains that it will automatically apply a device license upon adoption by the controller. The "Auto-Renewal" section states that enabling this option for sites will automatically renew licenses for active devices when they expire.

For the Controller in MSP View

1. Launch your controller.

2. Go to the License page. Enable Auto-Active and enable Auto-Renewal for customers.

A screenshot of a license management interface. The "Auto-Active" and "Auto-Renewal" options are enabled with toggle switches. Below, a table lists customers (Customer2, Customer3, Canada Controller_license) with their "Auto-Renewal" toggle switches, all enabled. At the bottom, pagination controls show "Showing 1-3 of 3 records," with options to navigate pages and select 5 records per page.

A screenshot of a license management settings interface. The "Auto-Active" section explains that it will automatically apply a device license upon adoption by the controller, with all customers enabling Auto-Active by default. The "Auto-Renewal" section states that enabling this option for customers will automatically renew licenses for active devices when they expire.

3.2 Manual Binding/Unbinding

If you don’t want the controller to automatically assign device licenses, you can manually bind and unbind device licenses.

1. Launch your controller.

2. Go to the Devices page.

3. Bind or unbind device licenses according to your needs.

  • To bind a device license:

Locate an unactivated device and click Activate. In the License Status section, choose an appropriate license to bind. You can bind a new license or a used license (such as the one last bound). If you have many used licenses, you can search by license key or MAC.

A screenshot of a license status interface for a controller license (40-C7-BF-00-..._UNACTIVATED). The "License Status" section is set to "Unbound." It prompts to assign licenses to the device, showing available licenses: 1-Year (5), 3-Year (0), and 5-Year (0). The "Used Licenses (4)" section lists licenses with their expiration status and keys: TP-GAXD-BV70-DCPS-HDP0 (Due in 1 Year), TP-806F-DHB0-40-C7 (Due in 2 Years 356 Days), TP-GAXD-BV70-40-C7 (Due in 1 Year), and TP-3MV3-U2NF-40-C7 (Due in 1 Year). A search bar and "Sort by Time" option are available, with an "APPLY" button at the bottom.

  • To unbind a device license:

Click an activated device to open the Properties window. In the License Status section, click Unbind. The license will be unbound and can be bound to another device if needed.

Note: When the reassignment times remaining is 0, the license will be unable to be bound to other devices except the current device.

A screenshot of a license status interface for a connected device (40-C7-BF-00-..._CONNECTED). The "License Status" is "Activated," with an expiration date of Sep 14, 2024, and a license key field. The "Reassignment Times Remaining" shows 9. An "UNBIND" button in red is present at the bottom.

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