如何透過 Omada Pro Wall AP 設定 802.1X 驗證(控制器模式)

Configuration Guide








本文介紹如何在 Omada Pro 控制器上設定 Omada Pro Wall AP 的 802.1X 驗證功能。


  • Omada Pro 控制器(Omada Pro 軟體控制器/Omada Pro 雲端控制器)
  • Omada Pro Wall AP


The Omada Pro Wall AP can connect wired clients via its downlink ports and supports EAP 802.1X authentication for secure access. When a wired client reconnects, it must re-authenticate, which enhances network security. The main use case is when a wired client connects to the downlink port of the Pro Wall AP, where it needs to pass authentication before it can access the internet. Otherwise, the connection will be denied.


1. 用戶端連接到乙太網路(ETH)連接埠,AP 檢測用戶端的 MAC 位址。

2. AP 依據設定的格式對 MAC 位址進行轉換,將其作為使用者名稱和密碼封裝在 Request 封包中,傳送給 RADIUS 伺服器進行 802.1X 驗證。

3. 如果驗證成功,RADIUS 伺服器回覆 Accept 封包,允許用戶端存取網路。如果失敗,伺服器會傳送 Reject 封包,並斷開用戶端連線。下圖顯示 Accept 和 Reject 封包的流向。

802.1X authentication message interaction process, including request and accept packets.

請依照以下步驟設定 802.1X,以 Omada Pro 軟體控制器 V1.9.10.3 和 AP7650 為範例。


步驟 1. 登入控制器。前往 站點設定 > 驗證 > 802.1X > EAP 802.1X。啟用802.1X功能,然後選擇 RADIUS 設定檔 和 MAC 位址格式ddress Format。

Location of EAP 802.1X configuration on the Controller.

Step 2. Under Authentication Ports, choose the downstream ports where you want to enable EAP 802.1X, such as ETH1, ETH2, and ETH3.

Select the downlink ports where the 802.1X authentication needs to be enabled.

Step 3. After confirming the settings, click Save.

Click Save to complete the configuration.


This guide outlines the steps to configure 802.1X authentication on the Omada Pro Wall AP using the Omada Pro Controller.

Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.

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